$L_\infty$ - derivations and the argument shift method for deformation quantization algebras


The argument shift method is a well-known method for generating commutative families of functions in Poisson algebras from central elements and a vector field, verifying a special condition with respect to the Poisson bracket. In this notice we give an analogous construction, which gives one a way to create commutative subalgebras of a deformed algebra from its center (which is as it is well known describable in the terms of the center of the Poisson algebra) and an $L_\infty$-differentiation of the algebra of Hochschild cochains, verifying some additional conditions with respect to the Poisson structure.

deformation quantization, integrable sytems, homotopy algebra
Georgy Sharygin
$L_\infty$ - derivations and the argument shift method for deformation quantization algebras 705.8KB